
We sell and customize products from world-leading mobile electronic providers. Our partners we work with have special competence within their area and are an important part of our business in order to strengthen our offer to our customers. All products we sell fulfill high quality demands and are robust to withstand the stress that mobile systems require. As a system integrator, we also include supplementary products based on customer needs.  Our main suppliers and partners are listed below.

Iifm electronics

ifm electronic has a large product portfolio ranging from simplest cables, sensors and advanced controllers for both industrial and mobile applications. Mobile Integrator Sweden AB is one of the preferred system integrator partners for ifm electronic.


CrossControl (Former Maximatecc) develops and supplies products and solutions for efficient man-machine interaction. The company’s main products are displays and controllers. Among the customers are leading machine manufacturers like AGCO, Atlas Copco, Caterpillar, Cargotec, John Deere etc. Mobile Integrator Sweden AB is a certified partner for the Swedish and Scandinavian market.

IMRS Electronic

MRS electronic de­velop, man­u­fac­ture and sup­port a vast range of au­to­mo­tive and spe­cialty ve­hi­cle elec­tron­ics. The prod­uct port­fo­lio com­prises stan­dard re­lays and ap­pli­ca­tion-spe­cific de­vices as well as in­no­v­a­tive, pro­gram­ma­ble CAN con­trol sys­tems, gate­ways, telem­at­ics, dis­plays, GUI, and mo­bile apps. Mobile Integrator Sweden AB is official trading partner for Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.


Owasys is a design and manufacturing engineering company within the M2M market. Owasys was created in 2002 by a group of professionals coming out of Ericsson BTC (Bilbao Technology Centre) who during the last 14 years has led the development and launching of advanced wireless devices. Mobile Integrator Sweden AB is official trading partner for Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.

IHMS Industrial Networks

HMS Industrial Networks provide reliable, flexible and easy-to-use communication and remote management solutions to the world of industrial communication.  


IXXAT solutions are especially tailored for communication within machines, safety systems and the automotive sector.

ILogic IO

Logic IO works primarily with products for the fast-growing market for M2M (Machine to Machine). They deliver products based on communication technologies such as GSM, GPRS, TCP / IP and GPS.

IBlink Marine

Based in Milan, Italy, Blink Marine was founded in 2001 as a company specializing in the production of onboard instrumentation for seafaring vessels. Starting in 2009, thanks to implementation of CAN-bus protocols on all its products, Blink Marine began serving the industrial automotive sector as well.